Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Has it been almost 6 months???

Well, the answer is yes! In exactly 4 weeks we will be kicking off the Fall 2009 campaign for 40 Days for Life in Boulder and it will run from September 23 - November 1. We are praying that all of you will again be praying along side us, whether that be with us out at the vigil site or from your home or churches. We wanted to give you a quick heads up on a couple of dates to put on your calendar:

Cast The Vision
Saturday, September 19th at 4:00pm
8125 Ute Hwy (same as Hwy 66)
Longmont, CO
(Directions: Come North on Hover through Longmont. Go west on Hwy 66. Once you have passed "The Agricultural Heritage Center" on south side of the road,
look for blue and grey balloons on north side of Hwy 66. Turn north onto dirt road and travel 3/4 mile north. You will cross over two ditches. Stay left when road forks. Our driveway is the first one on the left. Two story house, detatched garage, off white with green trim. For questions about directions, please call Val at 303 684 8345).


Kick-Off Rally -
Sacred Heart of Mary
6739 South Boulder Road
Boulder, CO 80303
Wednesday, September 23, 7:00pm
Joining us will be:
Father Gerry Schnackenberg from Epiphany Anglican Church
Suzie LaVelle from Sacred Heart of Mary's Memorial Wall
Commander Johnson of the Boulder Police Department

Please come and join us! Also, please remember that we have a Facebook page set up especially for our group and anyone who would like to pray along with us. You will find us at Facebook here.

We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for 40 Days for Life this fall; we have NO doubt that God will be moving!